MainMUN 2021 | Frankfurt 2021-03-05 | 2021-03-05 | mymun


Frankfurt, Germany

Mar 5 - Mar 7, 2021

200 delegates expected

University Students

Conflicts, Concerns, Cooperation - A Coup of Conventional Politics

Main Model United Nations is an international MUN conference with about 200 participants. This year's MainMUN has adapted to the new circumstances and will be an interconnected online conference. It will feature a conference-wide crisis, where delegates have the chance to react to crisis events in real time and influence actions of the country that they are representing. Therefore, delegates will coordinate their country's policies across committees and work together with other delegates to achieve successful results. Last but not least, delegates will have the chance to get to know each other during amazing social events in the evenings.

Late applications are still possible. The remaining spots will be assigned first-come first-served once we have received the payment. Take a look at our Country Matrix to see the positions, that are still available!

Visit us on our website and get a better impression of our committees, the topics and the team or apply directly here and become a part of MainMUN 2021!


MainMUN 2021



85 Ratings

MainMUN 2020



136 Ratings

MainMUN 2019



159 Ratings

MainMUN 2018



142 Ratings

MainMUN 2017

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0 Ratings

MainMUN 2016

( )( )( )( )( )
0 Ratings

MainMUN 2015

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0 Ratings


Crisis Committee
Security Council
Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons
World Health Organization
World Food Programme
Non-Governmental Organizations
Crisis Committee
Security Council
Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons
World Health Organization
World Food Programme
Non-Governmental Organizations

31 Spots


15 Spots


30 Spots


53 Spots


31 Spots


8 Spots


The Right to Privacy in the Digital Age


The use of natural resources as weapons in conflict situations

De-escalating tensions in the Persian Gulf


Eliminating financial means for the development of chemical weapons by non-state actors

Truth and reconciliation: Bolstering the purpose of the Chemical Weapons Convention


Establishing research and safety standards in the development of affordable, life-saving vaccinations

Mental health in youth


Empowering small local food-related businesses in order to achieve zero hunger

Assisting schools to be able to provide at least one healthy meal per student per day


Ajla SahbegovicProfile Picture

Ajla Sahbegovic
Secretary General

Ann Katrin KorbProfile Picture

Ann Katrin Korb
Technical Advisor

Christian BaierProfile Picture

Christian Baier
Secretary General

Katerina KaloutsouProfile Picture

Katerina Kaloutsou
Delegate Service

Melina BräutigamProfile Picture

Melina Bräutigam
Faculty Representative

Nathalie FerkoProfile Picture

Nathalie Ferko
Faculty Advisor

Sarah GreifeldProfile Picture

Sarah Greifeld
Technical Advisor

Sofie SharafProfile Picture

Sofie Sharaf
Secretary General